Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday at my house

Good morning everyone! Well the weather can't seem to make it's mind up,it turned from warm and mild to cold and then snow. Now it's warm again! I'm not complaining I like the warmer weather,but everyone has been sick.

Plans for today..... Cleaning,and painting. I am going to strip the children's beds and wash their bedding today as well. I have a wall to paint in the kitchen. I did most of it last night but it got late so I called it a night. I got the primer on it so it won't take long at all.

The color that I'm painting it is really turning out nice. It's called shortbread and we got it at Lowes it's an olympic kitchen and bath paint. I am very happy with the look. I can't wait to get it all completed. I know it's taking longer but John is working when he can,he works shift work and it makes it hard to do much during the week. Saturday's is sabbath and we have church so he really only has Sunday. Once I get the the walls painting I have some staining to do. My dad built a very nice 2 shelf corner shelf for me by the window for my plants and I have to stain it to match and the crown molding as well. We are making do with the counters as we are tight on money until after Christmas. After the first of the year we are planning on getting the counters a couple more cabinets and the flooring done. Then it will finally be completed! Then it will be the bathrooms turn!

Dinner tonight will be either pizza or spaghetti

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

good luck on the kitchen! Post some pics when you get it done, cant wait to see it
joyful homemaker

Tammy said...

I can't wait for it to get completed. We are doing this whole thing with using as little debt as we can possibly do. So far so good.But now we are approaching Christmas so that puts the other things we need to get to complete it on hold until after the first of the year. ~sigh~

Good things come to those who wait!

God Bless,