Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Automatic Savings

I don't know about you but it is hard for me to make sure I am saving part of our take home pay. Or as some say paying ourselves first. When I know we have bills due and food to buy for the house. Well I was thinking last night pay us first. Ok the only way that I would be able to pull this off is to have it done automatically like they do for the insurance,401K and union dues,just take it out automatically.

I got up this morning and set it all up. Starting February 1 we will be making weekly deposits into our savings automatically. I won't have to think about it anymore b/c it's being done for me. YEAH!!!!


Anonymous said...

I have direct deposit at work and I have it set up so a specific amount goes directly into my savings account and the rest goes into my checking for household expenses and everything. It's very convenient! I hope it is helpful for you.

Anonymous said...

That's the only way i manage to do it...