Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday's Doings and a change

As soon as I get off here I need to head into the kitchen and get J's cake done. We are having a get together with the grandparents for J's 16th birthday. This is the last of the celebrations. It's nothing fancy just hotdogs,chips,cake and icecream. Yea I know junk food heaven!

Now for the news. We are changing churches. If you have read my blog you know that I have talked about Christian Apostolic Church that I was attending with my children over the summer and really liked it. But when my dad opened up his church I felt an obligation to go there. My heart was never at peace with this decision but I kept going as I felt this was what I was suppose to do being the pastors daughter and all.

As time has gone by it has gotten worse for me. And this is the thing even John was feeling the pull. To boot I started running into other members of that church while out. Then to top it all off while we were going to Parkerburg last Sunday,we were listening to a sermon on the radio. I thought this pastor's voice sounded so familiar but I wasn't totally sure so I didn't say anything. Well at the end of the sermon they told the name of the church and corresponding web address. I looked at John and said that's the church we were going to over the summer. He was like no way,really. I said yea! I looked at him and said God wants us there. We are meant to be there. John would never go with me before he only wanted to go to my dad's church so that what we did. Now he's wants to go.

The hard part in all of this is telling my parents. On one hand they should be ok with it,we are doing what the Lord is telling us but on the hand they may get mad at us for leaving. I'm praying about how to tell them it's just not an easy thing to do. Well I really got to get off here and get that cake done.

God Bless